Understanding and Treating Moral Injury (Episode 2 with Dr. Melanie Harned)

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Understanding and Treating Moral Injury (Episode 2 with Dr. Melanie Harned)


This 1.5 hour webinar provides an introduction to the concept of moral injury, which involves perpetrating, failing to prevent, or witnessing acts that are inconsistent with deeply held values and moral beliefs. Moral injury may result from engaging in behaviors that harmed other people (e.g., sexual or physical assault) and/or failing to act to prevent harm to others (e.g., not protecting children from abuse). Although moral injury has often been researched in the context of military service, it can occur in many other types of traumatic or highly stressful situations. For example, people may engage in morally injurious behaviors in response to their own experiences of abuse. Individuals who have experienced moral injury often have posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), intense guilt and shame, are unable to forgive themselves, feel strongly that they deserve to suffer indefinitely, and are at high risk for suicide. In this webinar, examples of moral injury as well as common outcomes of these experiences are described. In addition, strategies for treating PTSD related to moral injury are discussed that are derived from the DBT Prolonged Exposure protocol for PTSD.

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Learning Objectives

As a result of this training, participants will be able to:

1.     Define the concept of moral injury.

2.     Identify common outcomes of moral injury.

3.     Explain how trauma-focused treatment can be used to address moral injury.

 Intended Audience

This introductory webinar is intended for mental health professionals and trainees with an interest in trauma treatment.

Purchase Details

Within 3 business days of your purchase, you will receive instructions to your email inbox on how to view the webinar.

You will have access to the webinar for approximately 2 months upon receipt of viewing instructions.

No CE credits are available for the purchase/viewing of this webinar recording.

Questions can be directed to admin@dbtpe.org.